Cat R. Waul's Alliance is a faction of evil and twisted animal criminals or just criminals, held under the leadership of the Leader of The Cactus Cat Gang himself : Cat R. Waul. The Alliance plays a major role in the First Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War and a very minor role in the second and third with the joining of Carface and His Forces and it replays a major role in Heroes vs Villains War, Heroes vs Villains War (Disney Knight's) with the joining of Ratigan and His Forces,Villains War (Saverio Gamba) with the joining of Madame Medusa and Her Forces later of Pete and Yosemite Sam and their Forces and in Animated vs CGI Villains War.
Members :[]
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War[]
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two[]
- Cat R. Waul
- T. R. Chula
- Carface
- Carface's Alliance
- Mr. Lickboot
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Three[]
- Cat R. Waul
- Carface
- Carface's Alliance
- Negaduck
- Don Karnage
- Valmont
Heroes Vs Villains War[]
- Cat R. Waul
- T. R. Chula
- The Cactus Cat Gang
- One-Eye
- Frenchy
- Felonious "Earless" Poultroon
- Sweet William
- Slim
- Waul's Henchmen
- T. R. Chula
- Ratigan
- Fidget
- Felicia
- Thugs
- Warren T. Rat
- Mott Street Maulers
- Digit
- Carface
- Killer
- Dogs
- Jenner
- The Mouse King
- Mice
- The Rats (Watership Down)
- The Rats (The Little Mermaid)
- The Rat (Lady and the Tramp)
- Jack-in-the-Box
- The Grand Duke of Owls
- Hunch
- Owl Minions
- Meowrice
- Business Associates
- Berkeley Beetle
- Grundel Toad
- Mr. Grasping, Toplofty and O' Bloat
- Madame Mousey
- Brer Fox
- Brer Bear
- Napoleon
- Animal Farm
- Animals
- The Horses
- Boxer
- Benjamin
- Geese
- Cows
- Pigs
- Goat
- Hens
- Sheep
- Pigs
- Squealer
- Napoleon's Dogs
- Animal Farm
- Red
Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]
Heroes vs Villains War (Disney Knight's)[]
Villains War (Saverio Gamba)[]
- Cat R. Waul
- T. R. Chula
- One-Eye
- Frenchy
- Felonious
- Sweet William
- Slim
- The Cactus Cat Gang
- Waul's Henchmen
- Pete
- Yosemite Sam
- Yosemite Sam's Alliance
- Cottontail Smith and Nasty Canasta
- The Dazzlings
- Madame Medusa
- Mr. Snoops
- Brutus and Nero
- Darla Dimple
- Max
Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non-Disney Villains War[]
- Cat R. Waul (Leader of The Cactus Cat Gang, Leader of his Faction, Co-leader of Yosemite Sam's Alliance with Yosemite Sam.)
- T. R. Chula (Chief lackey of Cat R. Waul.)
- One-Eye (Enforcer of Cat R. Waul.)
- Frenchy (Enforcer of Cat R. Waul.)
- Felonious (Henchman of Cat R. Waul.)
- Sweet William (Enforcer of Cat R. Waul.)
- Slim (Henchman of Cat R. Waul.)
- The Cactus Cat Gang (Gang led by Cat R. Waul.)
- Waul's Henchmen (Henchmen of Waul.)
- Yosemite Sam (Leader of his Faction, Co-leader of Cat R. Waul's Alliance with Cat R. Waul.)
- Yosemite Sam's Alliance (Group of villains led by Yosemite Sam, combined forces with those of Cat R. Waul's respectively.)
- Cottontail Smith and Nasty Canasta (Yosemite Sam's Henchman.)
- Blacque Jacque Shellacque (Yosemite Sam's French Canadian Cousin, recruited by his American Cousin, but he got killed by Black Pirate and his death made his Cousin swore Vengeance on Long John Silver and his ailles.)
- Bluto (Yosemite Sam's friend and main Enforcer of the faction but got Killed by Tugarin Snake.)
- Buzz Buzzard (Recruit of Yosemite Sam and Cat R. Waul and Chef Lieutenant.)
- Cinder Fall (Recruit of Yosemite Sam and Cat R. Waul and Chef Lieutenant.)
- Archibald Snatcher (Recruit of Yosemite Sam and Cat R. Waul and Chef Lieutenant.)
- Long John Silver (Pirate Capitane, Recruit of Yosemite Sam and Twin Brother of Long John Silver, But he got killed or eaten alive by The Man-Eater.)
- Long John Silver's Pirates (Crew of Long John Silver but most likely got slain by Long John Silver's ailles.)
Animated vs CGI Villains War[]
- Cat R. Waul (Leader of The Cactus Cat Gang, Leader of his Faction, Co-leader of Pete's and Yosemite Sam's Alliance with Pete and Yosemite Sam, and one of the Main members of The Criminal Empire.)
- T. R. Chula (Chief lackey of Cat R. Waul.)
- One-Eye (Enforcer of Cat R. Waul.)
- Frenchy (Enforcer of Cat R. Waul.)
- Felonious (Henchman of Cat R. Waul.)
- Sweet William (Enforcer of Cat R. Waul.)
- Slim (Henchman of Cat R. Waul.)
- The Cactus Cat Gang (Gang led by Cat R. Waul.)
- Waul's Henchmen (Henchmen of Waul.)
- Pete (Leader of his Faction, Co-leader of Yosemite Sam's and Cat R. Waul's Alliance with Yosemite Sam and Cat R. Waul, and one of the Main members of The Criminal Empire.)
- Pete's Alliance (Group of villains led by Pete, combined forces with those of Yosemite Sam's and Cat R. Waul's respectively.)
- The Beagle Boys (Pete's Henchman.)
- The Weasels (Pete's Army.)
- Yosemite Sam (Leader of his Faction, Co-leader of Pete's and Cat R Waul's Alliance with Pete and Cat R.Waul, and one of the Main members of The Criminal Empire.)
- Yosemite Sam's Alliance (Group of villains led by Yosemite Sam, combined forces with those of Pete's and Cat R. Waul's respectively.)
- Cottontail Smith and Nasty Canasta (Yosemite Sam's Henchman.)
- The Dazzlings (Recuits of Pete and Yosemite Sam and quickly becoming their first Chef Lieutenants.)
- Don Karnage (Captain of Air Pirates, Recruit of The Dazzlings and Chef Lieutenant.)
- The Air Pirates (Don Karnage's Henchman.)
- Mr. Winkie (Recuit of Don Karnage and Chef Lieutenant but he got killed by M. Bison, Butch and Cassidy.)
- Mr. Winkie's Weasels (Mr. Winkie's Henchman.)
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War []
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two[]
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Three[]
Heroes Vs Villains War[]
Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]
Heroes vs Villains War (Disney Knight's)[]
Villains War (Saverio Gamba)[]
Animated vs CGI Villains War[]
Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non-Disney Villains War[]
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War[]
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two[]
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Three[]
Heroes Vs Villains War[]
Cat R. Waul (Feline mastermind, second leader of the faction, and the leader of the Cactus Cat Gang, took refuge on the Patch of Heaven, ruled by Napoleon, defeated in the third battle of the Patch of Heaven ranch, forced to escape, along with his remain allies, leaving behind Napoleon to his fate, fate unknown after first war)
Ratigan (Rodent mastermind, leader of his faction, alongside with Cat R. Waul, took refuge on the Patch of Heaven, ruled by Napoleon, defeated in the third battle of the Patch of Heaven ranch, forced to escape, along with his remain allies, leaving behind Napoleon to his fate, fate unknown after first war)
Warren T. Rat (Treacherous Feline, member of the faction, took refuge on the Patch of Heaven, ruled by Napoleon, defeated in the third battle of the Patch of Heaven ranch, forced to escape, along with his remain allies, leaving behind Napoleon to his fate, fate unknown after first war)
Carface (Pit Bull Crimelord, recruit and ally of Ratigan and Cat R. Waul, took refuge on the Patch of Heaven, ruled by Napoleon, defeated by Georgette in the third battle of the Patch of Heaven ranch, forced to escape, along with his remain allies, leaving behind Napoleon to his fate, fate unknown after first war)
Jenner (Treacherous rodent, recruit and ally of Ratigan and Cat R. Waul, took refuge on the Patch of Heaven, ruled by Napoleon, defeated by Tin Soldier in the third battle of the Patch of Heaven ranch, forced to escape, along with his remain allies, leaving behind Napoleon to his fate, fate unknown after first war)
The Mouse King (Former ally of Ratigan and Cat R. Waul's faction, turned allegiance to Scar's faction by the finale, fell into a large gap after failing to kill The Tin Soldier, most likely perished)
Jack-in-the-Box (Menance in a Box, joined up with Ratigan and Cat R. Waul after the attack on Geppetto's Workshop, former member of the faction, incinerated by the Patch's resulted and growing flames)
The Grand Duke of Owls (Former ally of Ratigan's faction, became a replacement for one of Scar's deceased allies by the finale of the first war, met his end by Mickey Mouse, who transformed him into a small fearful owl, chased away by his nephew Hunch)
Napoleon (Treacherous animal of Patch of Heaven's ranch, former leader of the controlled ranch, former ally of Ratigan and Cat R. Waul, secret ally of Red, met his end by Red after his deed was done in the third battle of the Patch of Heaven ranch)
Meowrice (Finance Feline, ally of Ratigan and Cat R. Waul, financer of the faction, took refuge on the Patch of Heaven ranch, ruled by Napoleon, defeated in the third battle of the Patch of Heaven ranch, forced to escape, along with his remain allies, leaving behind Napoleon to his fate, fate unknown after first war)
Berkeley Beetle (Beetle performer, recruit of Meowrice, and former member of Ratigan and Cat R. Waul's faction, defeated by Toulouse at the third battle at Patch of Heaven, fate unknown afterwards)
Grundel Toad (Cruel Amphibian, recruit of Meowrice, and former member of the faction, pushed into a bottomless abyss, by Sasha at the third battle at Patch of Heavens)
Mr. Grasping, Toplofty and O' Bloat (Corrupt rodent trio, recruits of Meowrice, not seen after their employment under Ratigan and Cat R. Waul, fate unknown after initial appearance)
Madame Mousey (Phony fortune-teller, recruit of Meowrice, not seen after their employment under Ratigan and Cat R. Waul, fate unknown after initial appearance)
Claudandus (Savage cat, former member of of Scar's faction, abandoned faction after its merging with Grimhilde's forces, joined Ratigan and Cat R. Waul's alliance, slain by Cruella De Ville at the third battle at Patch of Heaven)
Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]