Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Capitain guts and his crew

Captain Gutt is the main antagonist of Ice Age Continental Drift.

Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains War[]

Soyuzmultfilm vs Non Disney Villains War[]

Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two[]

Global Threats[]

Episode 22: Replenishment in Fractions[]

CGI Villains War[]

Vs Captain Hook[]

Captain Hook and his pirate crew were searching for a treasure until he arrived on Captain Gutt's territory who might also have a little rivalty with Captain Hook.As Captain Hook was trying to defend his ship,he was eventually knocked down by Gutt and his crew,who happened to found a lamp amongs the other treasures of Hook.

Freeing Nadakhan[]

After defeating Hook,Captain Gutt decided to free a genie from a lamp that he found on Hook's ship.The genie was none other than Nadakhan who promises his loyalty to Captain Gutt from freeing him,not knowing the genie's true intentions.

Putting on his first wish[]

After just freeing Nadakhan,Captain Gutt puts on his first wish to Nadakhan:he must get another crew to serve him in his plan to rid of a certain queen of England.While his original crew was arguing with Gutt,Nadakhan reveals to the crew that he summoned his plan while Gutt was not listening...

After gaining a new crew from Nadakhan,Gutt decided to attack Queen Victoria to take his revenge on her over the fact that she killed his owner a long time ago.However,Victoria is well prepared to defend herself against the pirate,but unfortunately for her,she is outnumbered by Gutt and his crew who tied her up on a balloon sending the former queen into the outer space.Nadakhan and Gutt proclaimed their victory as they have conquered England...
