Captain Hector Barbossa is the primary antagonist of the Disney live-action movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. Barbossa is a consummate scoundrel, being traitorous, sinister, cold-hearted, and homicidal. He is a secondary player in the second Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War and the second Disney Vs Marvel Villains War.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Two[]
First Engagement[]
Barbossa signs his crew on as a member of the White Witch's alliance. One of her subordinates, the deadly sorcerer, Horvath, promises Barbossa and his crew their freedom from an ancient curse in exchange for acquiring a certain prophecy. Barbossa agrees and discovers the prophecy in the possession of Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange . Bellatrix, the more dangerous of the pair, throws a knife into Barbossa's heart; miraculously, he survives. As Bellatrix and Lucius marvel at the occurrence, Barbossa reveals that he and his men are actually skeletal warriors cursed to never die until the curse is broken. Malfoy draws his sword cane in an attempt to protect the prophecy, but Barbossa calmly shoots him in the chest. As Bellatrix flees, Barbossa discovers that he actually destroyed the prophecy by accident.
Clash of Immortals[]
The demonic Jason Voorhees hunts Barbossa down and impales him with a machete. But Barbossa's curse

Barbossa in universe CGI(Kingdom Hearts)
kicks in; the machete deals minimal damage. Barbossa stabs Jason, but Jason too is immune to being impaled. Barbosssa comments on the irony of the situation and then shoots Jason away. He drops a massive tankard onto the demon, but Jason knocks it over. On a whim, Barbossa alters the water pressure; this accidentally trigger's Jason's fear of water. Catching on, Barbossa shoots an electrical panel, sending a massive surge of electricity through Jason and killing the demon. As Barbossa leaves, Zorg approaches, asking Barbossa for assistance.
Killing a Demon[]
Zorg needs Barbossa to terminate his master, the demonic Pinhead. Zorg is too terrified of Pinhead to finish him off, for good reason. As Pinhead and his henchman, Freddy Krueger, are engaged in combat with Cruella de Vil and Doctor Claw, Barbossa attacks. He shoots Freddy; though the shot doesn't kill the spirit, it certainly winds him. Pinhead and Barbossa blade clash briefly, but Pinhead summons his Cenobite hooks. These hooks, being made of demonic material, are able to injure Barbossa. However, Zorg finally musters the nerve to break the chains with his gun. Pinhead attacks Zorg for his insolence, but Barbossa is not one to let his new ally die. He impales Pinhead with his cutlass, giving Claw the opportunity to annihilate the Lament Configuration and Pinhead in the process. Zorg congratulates Barbossa, who cannot leave the battle without mixed feelings.
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains - Part Three[]
Disney Villains War 2[]
The Pawn Of A Queen[]
Barbossa and his crew are approached by Queen Narissa (appearing in the form of an old hag), who hires him to eliminate the queen of Narnia, Jadis the White Witch, promising to lift his curse should he succeed in his task. Barbossa agrees, and the two confront Jadis together. When the White Witch rebuffs Narissa's attempts at negotiation and tries to turn her to stone, Barbossa steps up to take down Jadis. The pirate clashes blades with the queen, with Jadis managing to stab Barbossa in the chest, only to look on in horror as the undead pirate shrugs off the attack. Taking advantage of Jadis' shock, Barbossa rams his own blade through the White Witch's heart, ending her reign. With the job done, Barbossa turns to Narissa, demanding that she uphold her end of the bargain. Instead, Narissa reveals her true form, and mocks the pirate. Angered, Barbossa pulls a gun on the queen, only for Narissa to cast a spell on her pawn, killing him instantly.
Serving The Orgs[]
Barbossa is later revived by the Master Org to act as an enforcer for the Org faction. However, also in Master Org's employ is Barbossa's old rival, Long John Silver. Less than pleased to see Barbossa back from the dead, Silver approachs him and dares him to defeat one of the wizards of the Morganian faction. Barbossa accepts this challenge, and sets out to confront Sun Lok. Unfortunately, he neglects to take into account the wizard's ability to summon dragons, as Sun Lok brings forth the mighty Jabberwocky to kill the pirate. Undeterred, Barbossa merely slices off the dragon's tongue as it approaches him. The two begin to battle, with Barbossa pitting his sword against the dragon's brute strength and claws. However, just as it begins to look like Barbossa is in trouble, another of Master Org's allies, Toxica, intervenes and disrupts Sun Lok's control of the creature. Seizing the opportunity, Barbossa chops off the Jabberwocky's head, leaving Sun Lok to be crushed under the weight of its falling body. Impressed by each other's skill in battle, Barbossa and Toxica strike up a friendship.
Battle With The Morganians[]
Barbossa and the rest of the Orgs find themselves under attack by the full forces of the Morganians. Seeing Silver's crew flee in the face of the wizard attackers, Barbossa intervenes, firing a shot from his pistol and obliterating their ranks. As the battle continues to rage, Barbossa finds himself engaged in a swordfight with the Morganian knight Koragg. The two clash blades for a while, until the vampire Necrolai intervenes and disarms Barbossa. Koragg attempts to finish off the captain, but because of Barbossa's curse, the knight is unable to kill him. Despite Barbossa's apparent victory, the rest of the Orgs fall before the Morganians, forcing Barbossa and the rest of the remaining Orgs to fall back.
As Barbossa and the Orgs try to regroup, news reaches them that the Master Org has been slain by the Morganian leaders, Horvath and Mesogog. Wanting nothing more to do with what he sees as the losing side, Barbossa takes his leave of the Orgs, leaving Toxica devastated.
Disney Villains War 3[]
In The Service Of The Crown[]
After leaving the Orgs, Barbossa finds employment as a privateer in the service of Evanora, queen of the Land Of Oz. Barbossa advises Evanora as she goes about uniting and mobilizing Oz, with the queen's sister, Theodora, taking a liking to the captain. Eventually, news reaches Evanora that the Orgs are mobilizing once more. Barbossa promises the queen that he will eradicate his old faction if necessary.
Unhappy Reunions[]
Barbossa is approached by his old ally, Silver, who has also since left the Orgs. Silver proposes that they team up to take down the Org general Retinaxe, who has been hunting both of them for their desertion. Barbossa agrees, and the two track Retinaxe down. As the two confront him, Retinaxe fire a telekinetic blast that knocked Barbossa and his crew down. Silver then engages Retinaxe with his sword and began to drive him back. At that moment, their old allies fromt the Orgs, Toxica and Jindrax arrive to aid them against Retinaxe. Silver then fires both of his pistols at Retinaxe, stunning him long enough for Jindrax and Toxica to strike him down.
In the aftermath of the battle, Barbossa and Toxica finally have the chance to talk. Their reunion proves less than happy, as Toxica confronts her old friend about his abandonment of the Orgs. Barbossa shows no regrets for his actions, and states his intentions on driving his blade through the Master Org's heart. However, unbeknownst to both of them, their talk is being watched by Evanora.
Disney Vs Marvel Villains - Part Two[]
A Crew Of The Darkest Souls[]
Barbossa is called to a meeting of the most infamous villains in the live-action world (including Kal, the Sanderson Sisters, Koragg, and Necrolai), where the meeting's host, Queen Regina, recruits them all into her factions, promising that together they will claim the victory they have long been denied. Barbossa agrees to throw in his lot with the Evil Queen, but chooses to stay out of the early stages of the war for the most part.
His first fight comes, however, when Regina's longtime enemy, Loki, attacks her castle head on. Barbossa watches in shock as Loki defeats the Sanderson Sisters and Regina's Huntsman with ease, before coming face-to-face with Regina herself. When Loki ends up overwhelmed by Regina's powers, Barbossa takes the opportunity to hold him at gunpoint, forcing him to surrender. Regina then orders Loki to be locked up in the dungeon, with Barbossa overseeing his imprisonment. However, Barbossa notices Loki not only being in a surprisingly good mood, but also paying special attention to him.
Conspiring With The Enemy[]
Suspicious, Barbossa confronts Loki in his cell, demanding to know what he wants. Loki then reveals, much to Barbossa's suprise, that he possesses the last golden medallion that Barbossa needs to lift his curse. Loki offers to give it to the pirate, if Barbossa first brings him a cosmic cube known as the Tesseract. Barbossa agrees to these terms, and sets out to find the Tesseract.
The pirate eventually discovers that the cube is in the possession of the Red Skull. Barbossa and his crew invade the Red Skull's lair, while the Skull's forces head out to meet them. However, they soon learn that Barbossa's pirates can't be killed because of the curse. Red Skull's forces, on the other hand, prove to be far too mortal. The Red Skull attempts to escape with the Tesseract, but Barbossa pursues him. Red Skull's attempts to fight back are useless as Barbossa's curse allows him to tank the Skull's attacks. Barbossa then knocks Red Skull back into a machine. In desperation, Red Skull grabs the Tesseract. But the cosmic cube starts to tear Red Skull apart with its energy as Barbossa watches, before warping him to an unknown location. The Tesseract remains behind for Barbossa to collect.
Returning to Regina's castle, Barbossa frees Loki from his cell and gives him the Tesseract. As promised, Loki gives him the medallion. With the transaction complete, both get as far away from the castle as possible.
After having escaped from the castle, Barbossa is confronted by Regina, who has discovered his treachery. Although Barbossa is prepared for battle, the queen instead requests a parley to negotiate terms of peace. Amused, Barbossa agrees.
Later, Barbossa and Regina meet on neutral ground for their parley. There, Regina reveals that because of Barbossa freeing Loki, the trickster god went on to kill her Huntsman. She then offers him a peace offering: a beautiful apple. Unsuspicious, Barbossa accepts this, taking a bite out of the apple. However, as it turns out, Regina is up to her old tricks again as, blaming Barbossa for the Huntsman's death, she has imbued the apple with a Sleeping Curse. A horrified Barbossa realizes this far too late, as the apple's magic causes the pirate to fall into a deathlike sleep.
Disney Vs Marvel Villains - Part Three[]
If the war wouldn't have been canceled, Jack would be shot by Sebastian Shaw, and Barbossa would have joined the Morganians to defeat Shaw. Barbossa would ultimately kill Shaw using an enchanted Aztec coin. With Jack avenged, he'd return to sailing the seven seas on his own.
Disney Vs Anime Villains - Part Two[]
Animated Vs Video Game Villains War[]
Teaming with Narissa[]
Queen Grimhilde tries to bring back her friend with a spell in her book and a magic potion. Though instead of Narissa being reborn here, she is reborn in another dimension. Once she arrives, Barbossa and his allies, Malachite and Count Rugen, sense her arrival and seek her believing that whoever it is, can help them find what they have been searching for...
Vs Albert Wesker[]
Albert Wesker is confronted by Barbossa and Rugen, sent by Narissa to dismantle his entire plans. Little do they know that Wesker was expecting them, and that they are meant to be taken out of the equation.
Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains-Part Three[]
Vs Pikachu[]
While still looking for a way out, Pikachu is stumbled across a mysterious cave where he is encountered by the vicious pirate, Captain Barbossa. Pikachu believes this will be easy to defeat, but then he becomes unpleasantly surprised when he finds out what happens at night to Barbossa and his Pirate Crew. All of this is watched by Captain Hook, who also sees Barbossa potential.
Disney Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]
Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]
Movies Villains War[]
Meeting Blackwood[]
Aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, Blackwood tries to convince her crew to follow him. He promises to protect them with his magic and a generous reward. But then, Captain Barbossa tells Blackwood that pirates don't kneel to sorcerers. Blackwood prepares to fight, but then a second pirate captain appears; Blackbeard himself. He decides to show them both the power of dark magic.
Villains Battles 2[]
Joining Queen Narissa[]
Queen Narissa is deloused by Blackbeard even if he has won because he had to capture Beckett, not kill him. Things get heated up when Doc Terminus informs her about the Sanderson Sisters were killed by Maxim Horvath. Trying to react about the situation, they are greeted by an alliance led by the witch Evanora (composed of herself, Theodora, Hector Barbossa and Killian Jones), who have information about who sent Horvath after the Sanderson Sisters.
Vs Jadis[]
Narissa decides to get rid of Jadis alongside Barbossa as she tests the pirate's strength during this battle.
Villains Battles 3[]
Vs Russell Edington[]
Seeking to find more allies for Necrolai after their victory last war, Barbossa tries to forge an alliance with the vampire Russell Edington, but the latter refuses. The pirate proceeds to fight him, but he will soon find out that vampires have friends in high places, especially in providing weapons for them. But the question is: will he succeed in defeating Russell?
Nasira informs Hades of her failure and he's not happy about this. After scaring her, Hades decides to punish her properly by resurrecting 3 fallen veterans of this war.
Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]
All-Star Villains Tournament[]
Live Action Villains War[]
Vs Captain Hook[]
Captain Hook and his crew were about to retrieve a treasure from Blackbeard until Barbossa and his crew decided to invade The Jolly Roger by stealing it from Hook,including his own crew.Angered,Hook challenged Barbossa into a duel from the control of both ships.Captain Hook wins the duel and killed Barbossa in the process.