Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Cagney Carnation

Cagney Carnation is a sunflower and a boss from Cuphead

Cuphead Bosses vs Disney Villains War[]

Vs Lumpjaw and Wolf[]

Pete demands that Dr. Drakken will help him in the war so the scientist tells him about two ravenous beasts he captured and tamned the bear Lumpjaw and a savage Wolf they are sent out to eat any bosses they find and they target the giant flower Cagney Carnation Lumpjaw picks up a rock but get knocks out by Cagney as he recovered the Wolf and him try to attack her but gets knocked out by the thorn missiles as the Wolf climbed up a tree he gets shot by Cagney as Lumpjaw grabs a log a sunflower bomb makes him fall into the river.

Joining Rumour and Baroness[]

Cagney Carnation joins Rumor and Baroness Von Bon Bon's alliance.

Cuphead Bosses vs Non Disney Villains War[]

Talking with Rumour Honeybottoms[]

Rumor Honeybottoms used her book of spells and manage to contact Cagney Carnation,so she told him to cause some chaos across England if he wants his freedom.

Vs Oliver Cromwell and his forces[]

Rumor Honeybottoms heard that Oliver and his forces are heading to Wonderland to divide and conquer the kingdom, so she sent her best minion Cagney to deal with the intruders.While Oliver and his forces were on their journey,they have noticed an angry Cagney, so Cromwell ordered his forces to attack the huge plant.Yosemite Sam was the first one to try and attack only for Cagney to extends both his face and his arms as a lunge to quickly lash out at the cowboy thus knocking him from the hill.After witnessing what just happened to Yosemite Sam,Elmer Fudd tries to negociate with Cagney only for the plant to summon one sycamore seed with eyes that will fly like a boomerang to attack Fudd.As the hunter was running away from the boomerang,Oliver Cromwell tries to hit Cagney with his weapons only for the plant to summon three flying acorns that will be shot out from top to bottom.The acorns proved to be efficient as they have knocked Oliver to his death.Rumor came to check if Cagney is okay and then noticed the threats being taken care off.As a reward for defending Wonderland,Rumor frees Cagney into the world....

Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two[]
