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Bo Katan Kryze (Clone Wars)

Bo-Katan Kryze is a major character in the 2008-2020 animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the deuteragonist of the Star Wars Rebels two-parted Season 4 premiere episode "Heroes of Mandalore", and the tritagonist of the 2019 Disney+ live-action series The Mandalorian.

She was a member of the Mandalorian terrorist organization known as the Death Watch and was the right-hand and lieutenant of its leader, Pre Vizsla, as she conspired to overthrow the pacifist government lead by her sister, Satine Kryze.

She later came across the renegade Sith Lord, Darth Maul, and his apprentice, Savage Opress, and allied with them as they eventually formed a criminal empire known as the Shadow Collective and eventually lead to the ousting of Satine from power. But Maul took over Mandalore for his own sake and even killed Vizsla in a duel forcing Bo-Katan to rebel and conspire against Maul and his regime. She later leads the Mandalorians to rebel against the Galactic Empire and their stranglehold on Mandalore.

Bo Katan Kryze (Mandalorian)

In The Live Action Universe

Live Action Villains War[]
