Bluto is the main villain in the Popeye franchise, and a nasty sailor who loves to pester Popeye and try to win the heart of his crush Olive Oyl. He varies between being a big strong brute of a man and very bold and smart - he is always depicted as extremely strong (often superhumanly so). However, after he usually beats up Popeye, Popeye finds a can of spinach, eats it, gets stronger, and beats Bluto into unconsciousness.
Bluto plays a secondary, but yet very important role in the second Villains Battles and a major player in Non-Disney Villains Tournament Reboot
Non-Disney Villains Tournament Reboot[]
Non-Disney Vs Marvel Villains War[]
Villains Battles 2[]
He's the hated Rival of Pete who believe him to be killed by the Bully cat himself many years ago but instead fighting him Bluto who wants to forget about the past and join his forces Pete agreed believe he could be useful to him.
Animated vs CGI Villains War[]
Non Disney Villains War[]
Non Disney Villains War Reboot[]
Equivalent Villains War[]
Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non-Disney Villains War[]
Talking with Yosemite Sam[]
Two friends Bluto and Yosemite Sam were drinking beer and talking amicably about old times when they were still young, Bluto suggests Sam rob a bank together and take a lot of money for himself. Yosemite Sam was only glad of this, he just needed money to get rid of his enemy Bugs Bunny.
Vs Shapoklyak[]
Bluto robbed a banana shop and went to look for Yosemite Sam, but he did not go far because the evil old lady Shapoklyak wants to take away his cart with bananas. Bluto was only angered by the impudence of Shapoklyak, and he would not allow the old woman to take away his honestly stolen bananas somehow.
Vs Tugarin Snake[]
Tugarin Snake and his Mongol army stop near a huge castle, the Mongols want to capture the castle, I believe that a huge amount of gold is stored in it. But the way was blocked by the owner of Bluto Castle, will he be able to protect his wealth from outsiders?
Cuphead Bosses vs Non Disney Villains War[]
Vs Brineybeard[]
Captain Brineybeard was heading to kill Cala Maria after Plankton completed his part of the deal. However, a new sailor man named Bluto decided to kill the sea creature first.Bluto took out a barrel and hits Brineybeard with him until the captain took out a barrel and broke it in front of Bluto.A wood piece from the broken barrel hits Bluto thus making the sailor blind.As Bluto tries to keep himself together and not be defeated,Brineybeard delivers one last punch thus taking Bluto down forever....
Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]
Vs Pete[]
Pete was promoting the army around France, but he was stopped by a certain pirate named Bluto who doesn't agree with the idea. Angered, Pete decided to show everyone the strength he obtained from Frollo's army training. Pete took out his sword,managing to injure Bluto a lot.As Bluto was trying to recover himself,Pete destroyed the captain butt and then tied up his leg into a rope.Pete then punched Bluto for the final time,leaving the pirate tied up and humiliated.After his defeat against Pete,Bluto will eventually be arrested for his treason against Frollo.