Bhunivelze's Heavenly Hosts are the group of holy beings, focused on bringing "righteous" upon the universe, directed by the heavenly deity, Bhunivelze.
The faction is also known as Holy Hierarchy, having an incarnation in Worst Heroes and Villains War Ever: The Sandbox, only with Aequil with the same ideals and being its leader in the shadows.
Villains Battles - Part Three[]
- Bhunivelze (Leader of the faction)
- YHVH (Second-in-command of Bhunivelze's forces)
- Prince Charming (A formerly deceased villain revived to serve Bhunivelze's purposes)
- Piella Bakewell (A formerly deceased villain revived to serve Bhunivelze's purposes)
- Judge Claude Frollo (A formerly deceased villain revived to serve Bhunivelze's purposes, was sent into the Animated Realm alongside Gaston to gather more allies after Bhunivelze lied to him)
- Snowball (Frollo's horse steed)
- Gaston (A formerly deceased villain revived to serve Bhunivelze's purposes, was sent into the Animated Realm alongside Frollo to gather more allies after Bhunivelze lied to Frollo)
- Clayton (A formerly deceased villain revived to serve Bhunivelze's purposes, was sent into the Animated Realm to gather more allies for Bhunivelze)
- The Emperor (The ruler of the Empire, unaware member of the faction after Frollo and Gaston joined him)
- Prime Minister Honest (The minister of the Empire and the Emperor's right-hand-man, unaware member of the faction after Frollo and Gaston joined the Emperor)
- Esdeath (General of the Empire's forces, unaware member of the faction after Frollo and Gaston joined the Emperor)
- Oliver Cromwell (Member of the Empire, unaware member of the faction)
- Cromwell's men (Cromwell's soldiers, unaware members of the faction)
- Snively Robotnik (Member of the Empire, unaware member of the faction)
- Courtney (Member of the empire, unaware member of the faction)
- Brom Bones (Member of the empire, unaware member of the faction)
- Captain Hook (An escapee from Yosemite Sam's dungeon in Germany and former prisoner, recruit of Prime Minister Honest)
- Duncan (Recruit of General Esdeath nonetheless love interest of the general after he took down Kalbi the Bull, unaware member of the faction)
Worst Heroes and Villains War Ever: The Sandbox[]
Villains Battles - Part Three[]
Worst Heroes and Villains War Ever: The Sandbox[]
Villains Battles - Part Three[]
Bhunivelze's Followers:[]
Forces in the CGI Universe[]
Bhunivelze (A god who wants to purify the world under his name, leader of the faction)
YHVH (An unknown entity who supports Bhunivelze's ideals, member of the faction)
Judge Claude Frollo (Former resurrected member of the faction, was transported to the Animated Realm to serve his purposes)
Gaston (Former resurrected member of the faction, was transported to the Animated Realm alongside Frollo to serve his purposes)
Prince Charming (A new reinforcement for the faction after sending Frollo and Gaston to the Animated Realm)
Piella Bakewell (A new reinforcement for the faction after sending Frollo and Gaston to the Animated Realm)
Clayton (A former new reinforcement for the faction after sending Frollo and Gaston to the Animated Realm, was transported to that realm to support Frollo and Gaston for him)
Forces in the Animated Universe[]
Snowball (Frollo's horse)
Gaston (Frollo's partner-in-crime and second-in-command of Bhunivelze's forces in the Animated Realm)
The Empire (A kingdom and a faction led by the Emperor)
The Emperor (Ruler of the Empire and so called leader of the faction, however he's an unaware member of Bhunivelze's faction as well)
Prime Minister Honest (Prime Minister of the Empire and true leader of the faction, however he's an unaware member of Bhunivelze's faction as well)
Esdeath (General of the Empire, however she is unaware of being also a member of Bhunivelze's faction as well)
Oliver Cromwell (Recruit of General Esdeath, however he is unaware of being also a member of Bhunivelze's faction as well)
Cromwell's men (Soldiers working under Oliver Cromwell, however they are unaware of being also members of Bhunivelze's faction as well alongside their master)
Snively Robotnik (Recruit of General Esdeath, however he is unaware of being also a member of Bhunivelze's faction as well)
Courtney (Member of the Empire, however she is unaware of being also a member of Bhunivelze's faction as well)
Brom Bones (Member of the Empire, however he is unaware of being also a member of Bhunivelze's faction as well)
Captain Hook (Peter Pan and The Pirates version) (Member of the Empire after being released from prison due to Yosemite Sam's defeat against the Major, however he is unaware of being also a member of Bhunivelze's faction as well)
Duncan (The advisor of King Scar of the Pride Lands who was recruited by Esdeath after he killed a former member of the Empire, Kalbi the Bull, was recruited as Esdeath's boyfriend against his will, however he is unaware of being also a member of Bhunivelze's faction as well)
Worst Heroes and Villains War Ever: The Sandbox[]
Main Forces:[]
Aequil (Faction Leader, acts under the shadows directing the faction)
Archangel Michael (Second in command and considered the right hand of the mysterious god)
Kirei Kotomine (A monk of the Order of the Sword recruited as a member of the faction to serve Aequil.)
Juuma King Golomois (Footage used to depict Archangel Michael in war.)