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Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Bhunivelze's Heavenly Hosts

Bhunivelze's Heavenly Hosts are the group of holy beings, focused on bringing "righteous" upon the universe, directed by the heavenly deity, Bhunivelze.

The faction is also known as Holy Hierarchy, having an incarnation in Worst Heroes and Villains War Ever: The Sandbox, only with Aequil with the same ideals and being its leader in the shadows.


Villains Battles - Part Three[]

  • Bhunivelze (Leader of the faction)
  • YHVH (Second-in-command of Bhunivelze's forces)
  • Prince Charming (A formerly deceased villain revived to serve Bhunivelze's purposes)
  • Piella Bakewell (A formerly deceased villain revived to serve Bhunivelze's purposes)
  • Judge Claude Frollo (A formerly deceased villain revived to serve Bhunivelze's purposes, was sent into the Animated Realm alongside Gaston to gather more allies after Bhunivelze lied to him)
  • Gaston (A formerly deceased villain revived to serve Bhunivelze's purposes, was sent into the Animated Realm alongside Frollo to gather more allies after Bhunivelze lied to Frollo)
  • Clayton (A formerly deceased villain revived to serve Bhunivelze's purposes, was sent into the Animated Realm to gather more allies for Bhunivelze)
  • The Emperor (The ruler of the Empire, unaware member of the faction after Frollo and Gaston joined him)
    • Prime Minister Honest (The minister of the Empire and the Emperor's right-hand-man, unaware member of the faction after Frollo and Gaston joined the Emperor)
    • Esdeath (General of the Empire's forces, unaware member of the faction after Frollo and Gaston joined the Emperor)
  • Oliver Cromwell (Member of the Empire, unaware member of the faction)
  • Snively Robotnik (Member of the Empire, unaware member of the faction)
  • Courtney (Member of the empire, unaware member of the faction)
  • Brom Bones (Member of the empire, unaware member of the faction)
  • Captain Hook (An escapee from Yosemite Sam's dungeon in Germany and former prisoner, recruit of Prime Minister Honest)
  • Duncan (Recruit of General Esdeath nonetheless love interest of the general after he took down Kalbi the Bull, unaware member of the faction)

Worst Heroes and Villains War Ever: The Sandbox[]

Villains Battles - Part Three[]

Worst Heroes and Villains War Ever: The Sandbox[]


Villains Battles - Part Three[]

Bhunivelze's Followers:[]

Forces in the CGI Universe[]
Forces in the Animated Universe[]

Worst Heroes and Villains War Ever: The Sandbox[]

Main Forces:[]

