Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Ayam Aghoul

Ayam Aghoul is an undead sorcerer and antagonist from the Aladdin Television Series. He is most notorious for being a member of the Sorcerer's Society in the Disney vs Marvel Villains War, though he has a secondary role in the second Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War.

Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War[]


Long before Jafar or the Sultan he served were even born, a different Sultan ruled over Agrabah, father to ten princesses. When bored or in need of a laugh, the Sultan called in his court magician--Ayam Aghoul, to use his elementary skills in sorcery to entertain him. Unknwn to the Sultan, however, Aghoul was quite the lecher, and more often than not, would spend the night with any one of the Sultan's daughters.

When the Sultan found out, Aghoul became a wanted criminal. After a nightlong chase with the Agrabah guard, Aghoul was captured, and ultimately executed (much to the sorrow of all ten princesses), his soul descending to the River Styx.

Fearing his fate and not at all ready to die, Aghoul devised an escape plan. It was his lucky day--his only obstacle was some tentacle guy wielding a scythe he clearly had no idea had to use.

Meanwhile, in Camelot, a travelling circus found a baby abandoned in the woods. The circus folk named her Mim and raised her as one of their own. By age three, they found that whoever her parents were, they were apparently wizards, as she showed a great aptitude for shapeshifting.

When Mim was only ten, she was brought into the show as the marvelous, transforming spectacle. Soon, Mim was the main attraction. Albeit, she never took her true form on stage. She'd become a myriad of animals and creatures but nobody outside the circus tent truly knew what she looked like.

One night drew in a bigger crowd than ever--and Mim, having lost focus for just a second, reverted to her true form. Stunted height, and frankly, very ugly, she was met with jeers and ridiculing laughter by the crowd.

Mim, confused and upset, took on the form of a dragon and went on a rampage. Citizens ran in fear as the circus burned to the ground. The king's knights, lead by Sir Ruber, captured the dragon and banished the witch to the wilderness.

In the forest, Mim kept herself occupied talking to the voices in her head and challenging anyone ill fated enough to cross her cottage to a Wizard's Duel.

Nobody that faced her could match her skill, that is, until the newly revived Ayam Aghoul happened upon her cottage. His time in the Underworld boosted his magic significantly. The two were evenly matched...and Mim liked that. A lot.

The two agreed to put their magic skills together as a criminal duo. The 'Magic Bonnie and Clyde' was very famous, and didn't go unnoticed by Mozenrath ...

Pre-War: A Dark Meeting in the Land of the Black Sands[]

Prior to the events of the first war, Ayam Aghoul works for Destane, or else known as the Archmage. After Destane's elimination at the hands of Mozenrath, the sorcerer gathers the Archmage's former pupils in the Land of the Black Sands and tells them about Destane's demise. Though, Ayam Aghoul is assure about the achievement of Mozenrath, Xerxes responds, that Mozenrath is clever and powerfull enough to take on the Archmage. Mozenrath then announches that a new society is born, in which they would only rule by themselves, the Sorcerer's Society.

Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two[]

Agrabah Affairs[]

Ayam Aghoul joins Mirage's alliance in Agrabah, anticipating an attack from Skeletor. During the battle, Aghoul faces Skeletor personally, though he is nearly defeated at the battle's beginning once Skeletor creates a vortex. Aghoul responds quickly, blasting away Skeletor with some of his magic. Skeletor, however, uses his sword to decelerate from the attack. Aghoul's next attack actually sends Skeletor flying into some rocks, but the more experienced sorcerer recovers yet again. As Aghoul charges his opponent, Skeletor fires a fully charged blast from his staff, presumably killing Aghoul.

The Sorcerer's Society[]

But Aghoul actually fakes his death, teleporting to Peru. He joins Yzma in forming the Sorcerer's Society. The two relocate to China after the Fire Nation seizes Peru. Yet, even here, Ayam is put to the test. Mojo Jojo creates an army of killer monkeys; Ayam must help the newly formed sorcery faction in stopping a simian apocalypse. He proves a lethal combatant, taking down an entire tank with a magical skull. The sorcerers emerge victorious.

The Battle of China[]

Yzma's partner and superior, Shan Yu, comes under attack from the forces of Fire Lord Ozai. Aghoul plays a seminal role in the defense of China, destroying Ozai's flagship with his magical skulls. Though Ozai manages to escape the ship's destruction, he dies in combat with Shan Yu, securing victory for the faction.

The Second Battle of China[]

Aghoul is far more important in the second Battle of China, against the forces of the Skeleton King and Shendu. Ayam Aghoul begins the battle by wiping out three ghostly vultures summoned by Vlad Plasmius. Another quick spell bests Jack Spicer. Plasmius himself blasts Ayam repeatedly with ectoplasm blasts, leaving the sorcerer in jeopardy. Eventually, Aghoul hits Vlad with one of his magic skulls. He seizes the oppotunity to throw Vlad into a magical portal. Jack Spicer tries to escape, but Aghoul catches him. It's unknown what happens to Spicer. All the same, Ayam celebrates as Shan Yu is crowned king of the world.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Three[]

Disney Villains War[]

Vs Hecate[]

Shortly before the failed siege of Forbidden Mountain, Hades contacted his old enemy, the dark goddess Hecate, to ask for her aid in recovering the Underworld. Seeing an opportunity to make the Underworld her own, Hecate agreed and travelled to the land of the dead, only to be confronted by the undead sorcerer Ayam Aghoul. Hecate's godly powers soon got the better of Aghoul, but he surprised her with his explosives, destroying her.

 Disney Villains War 2[]

Vs Queen La[]

Searching the world for sorcerers willing to serve Maleficent, Yzma first approached Queen La, ruler of the jungle-dwelling leopard-men. Yzma was considering bringing La into the ranks when the meeting was interrupted by the undead mage Ayam Aghoul, who claimed his victory over Hecate in the First War made him a more suitable candidate. La challenged him to prove her worth, but Aghoul used his exploding skulls to destroy La's leopard-men. Stepping into the fray, La briefly stunned Aghoul with a blast from her staff, but he recovered and drenched her with a bolt of water. La made to attack again, but Aghoul swiftly destroyed La's staff, removing the source of her power. La crumbled away to dust, and Yzma reluctantly made Aghoul the first of her partners.

In Underworld[]

With the Sorcerers' Society assembled, Maleficent gave the group their first mission: an assault on the Underworld and the destruction of Mirage's forces. When Mirage asked how the Society managed to get into the realm of the dead, Yzma and Kronk confessed they had no idea, but that didn't deter them from their task. Hecate, Queen La, and Chang, taking the form of a dragon, moved in to defend Mirage, who summoned a gigantic crystal monster to aid them. The monster scored the first hit, knocking Yzma into the mud. Queen La managed to knock out Mozenrath with a blast from her staff, as Ayam Aghoul managed to keep Chang at bay with his bombs. As the crystal monster made to attack again, Madame Mim transformed herself into a rhino and shattered it with a charge, spraying flames all over the throne room. La made to finish off Mozenrath, but he seized some sand from the River Styx and blew it in her face, causing her to fall into dust once again. Mirage and Chang fled, but Hecate remained behind, unwilling to lose another battle. However, Aghoul brought out a massive skull bomb and blew the goddess to pieces, echoing his first victory over her.

Vs Horned King[]

Having proved their worth against Mirage's minions, the Sorcerers' Society next decided to dispose of the Horned King before he became too much of a threat. As Aghoul and Mim teleported into the castle, Creeper led the King's warriors to attack them, but Aghoul's bombs and Mim's crocodile transformation forced them back. Yzma and Mozenrath confronted the King and Lady Tremaine, with Mozenrath burning Drizella Tremaine's hair with a bolt of magic. However, the King had a surprise in store. He revealed to the Society that he was now allied with Maleficent, and they had betrayed her by attacking him. The shocked Yzma and Mozenrath told Aghoul and Mim to fall back, but Tremaine took advantage of the distraction to cast Aghoul from the tower, apparently killing him.

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War[]

The Sorcerer's Society[]

Ayam Aghoul is a member of a faction of magicians called the Sorcerer's Society; while not the leader, Ayam Aghoul is perhaps the most competent member of the group. The faction teams up with Maleficent, defending her castle from the forces of the Masters of Evil, led by Baron Zemo. The opposing groups square off, with Ayam Aghoul taking some early victories by stunning the Enchantress and the Executioner with two powerful magical skulls. Aghoul faces a somewhat greater challenge in Baron Zemo himself. Just as the Nazi is about to strike Aghoul down with his sword, Ayam throws his spell, killing Zemo with one powerful blast. This attack is so imposing as to force the other members of the Masters of Evil to retreat. The departure of these members leaves Ayam Aghoul the only survivor of the battle, but his survival is short-lived. Maleficent returns; seeing that Aghoul has outlived his usefulness, she casts him out of the Forbidden Mountains to his presumed death.

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War - Part 2[]

Disney Vs Anime Villains War[]

Disney Vs Anime Villains War - Part 2[]

Vs Duskmon[]

In search for Mim, Ayam Aghoul is attacked by surprise by the Warrior of Darkness wanting to know what happened during his absence, Ayam fights this Warrior with all of his powers. Having almost a crushing victory at first, a shadow of the past might change Duskmon's way of thinking and plunge him deeper in total darkness..

Animated Vs Video Game Villains War[]

Disney Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]

Cartoon Villains War - Part Two[]

Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains-Part Two[]

Teaming with Hades[]

After being pleased of Mumm-Ra's success of defeating Gary Oak, Hades is approached by Ayam Aghoul who has plans to help defeat Mewtwo.

Vs Mewtwo Forces[]

With an amazing army, Hades is now ready to attack Hades once and for all. But as they encounter his island, Mewtwo to found to have super Pokemon clones as his forces as well as Mew. It's going to be a big battle between them and Hades' forces including Aku, Mumm-Ra, Ayam Aghoul, and Mumm-Ra's armies.

Remaining Defender[]

With the defeats of Aku and Echinda, Ayam Aghoul is left to watch the Underworld alongside with Mumm-Ra, who survived his defeat from Pikachu.


The war was a very difficult and brutal one to deal with. Mewtwo is now locked up into chains in the River Styx, as Ayam Aghoul starts torturing him, much to Hades's entertainment.

Disney Vs Marvel and DC Villains War[]

In Maleficent's faction[]

Yzma introduces Maleficent to two new allies: sorceress Madam Mim and Ayam Aghoul.

Disney Vs DC Villains War[]

Joining Queen Grimhilde[]

A new player starts forming a faction of her own to participate in war.

TV Villains Tournament Remake[]

Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]

Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]

Joining The Sorcerers Society[]

Mozenrath and Ayam Aghoul are both recruted by Yzma and Madam Mim to join The Sorcerer Society to aid them into the upcoming fights.

Vs Myotismon and Devimon[]

Two demons known as Devimon and Myotismon managed to escape from Hell and were ready to destroy the world,so they decided to rid of one of The Sorcerers Society bases.However,they were shocked to find Lady Tremaine and Ayam Aghoul defending the base as they thought of this being an easy fight where their enemies mostly ran away after seeing them.As Myotismon summoned his bats to attack,Ayam Aghoul took out one of his skulls and used him to blow every single bat.After Devimon managed to recover,Ayam Aghoul is teleported away from the fight by Lady Tremaine.

All-Star Villains Tournament[]

Animated Movies vs Cartoon Villains War[]

Cuphead Bosses vs Disney Villains War[]

Sorcerers Society[]

Mim returns to Yzma accompanied by Mozenrath and finds that Yzma has recruited someone else to help them.

Animated Villains War[]

Vs Koschei[]

Upon arriving in Agrabah, Koschei, the deathless meets Ayam Aghoul (who was left to take care of the Palace after the disappearance of a sultan). He mistakes him with Jafar and tries to kill him and Ayam Aghoul reveals that Koschei wasn't as Deathless as he claimed.

Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Three[]
