Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

Sleeping Beauty



Princess Aurora (sometimes known as "Sleeping Beauty") is the princess of an unnamed European kingdom who was cursed by Maleficent to fall into a death-like sleep on her sixteenth birthday. Though the heroic Prince Phillip and the fairies Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather saved her from this fate, Maleficent has returned and seeks revenge on Aurora in Disney Heroes vs. Villains.

Disney Villains War 3[]

Aurora CGI

Aurora in the CGI universe

Disney vs. Marvel Villains War - Part Two[]

Animated vs. Video Game Villains War[]

Disney Heroes vs. Villains War[]

Heroes vs. Villains War[]

Free For All Heroes vs Villains War Tournament[]

Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]


While Aurora and her animals friends were in the forrest,they were shocked as Horned King was walking closely to the princess.Then,Horned King captured the girls for his evil plan on joining a certain witch.

