Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
League of Assassins Son of Batman 0001

The Assassins are a group of skilled assassins working under the faction known as the League of Assassins (in the DC Comics and the Batman franchise) and, by extention, the cause of their master Ra's Al Ghul. They make their first appearence in Equivalent Villains War, acting as the DC equivalents to the Hun Army.

Equivalent Villains War[]

A Non-Stop Training[]

After Ra's Al Ghul was almost murdered at the hands of his former partner-in crime, the Foot Clan leader named the Shredder, he and his daughter Talia give the order to all of their assassins to train hard should the Shredder and his Foot Clan attack them in the near future. This is the only appearence so far of the assassins, especially due to them possibly either witnessing Ra's Al Ghul and the juvie punk Duncan striking a deal or continuing to train for the Shredder's threat.

Assassins CGI