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Arkantos is an Atlantean hero, war general and the main protagonist of Age Of Mythology. He's a major player in Worst Hero And Villain War Ever.

Worst Hero and Villain War Ever

There's Always Time

Arktos is informed by Raiden in a dream he must find the ancient Pillars of Time in order to save Atlantis from destruction. As he awakes, he arrives to Atlantis to get troops, including his fellow allies Ajax and Chiron.

Upon arriving to the Shrine of Elysia, Arkantos and his army run into violent titan Icaros. When Arkantos tells Icaros people of Atlantis don't fear the likes of him, Icaros launches a meteor shower on Arkantos's army, killing majority of them. With the help from Chiron's centaur archers, Icaros retreats but warns Arkantos that the one who messes with the time will be punished by Kronos.

Arriving Into Medieval Ages

As Arkantos launches the pillars of time, he's taken into 14th Century, where they encounter Elizabeth, a princess that's being chased by a forest guardian. Arkantos attacks and kills the guardian, only to find that princess was dragged into safety by another party, young man named Meliodas. Arkantos claims his group are crusaders from Greece that are just investigating the area. Meliodas and Elizabeth end up trusting them.
