Apocalypse is a powerful enemy of the X-Men and a major antagonist in the Marvel Universe. A 5000 year old Jordanian mutant raised in Egypt, his power of controlling his molecular structure was amplified by both artefacts of the Celestials and techno-organic viruses assimilated into himself. He is a major player in Disney vs. Marvel Villains part 2.
Disney Vs Marvel Villains War Part Two[]

Mr. Sinister gathered materials, attentive to the lives of several enemies, lost several allies, all to prepare for the return of Apocalypse, apocalypse merges with the technology from its pyramid to prepare for war.
The Battle of Egypt[]
During the middle of the Battle of Egypt, Apocalypse emerges, his first act is to kill Sa'luk and the leader of the opposing faction: Frollo, Jafar attacks by shooting energy apocalypse so it ordered his horsemen to help him, while Frollo's forces take care of Mr. Sinister and his mutants, Jafar faces Apocalypse personally using a golden beetle, sending them both to an unknown destination.
Only Second Rate[]
The final battle continues in Agrabah, Jafar through a musical number tries to show Apocalypse can not win, Apocalypse try to beat Jafar but his magic is too powerful, Apocalypse ends up trapped in a pyramid of energy, which is destroyed in a energy explosion destroying the god.

Apocalypse in Live Action Universe