Alice Pleasance Liddell is a young, 10-year-old English girl who stumbled into the magic world of Wonderland, where logic has no meaning. Running afoul of crazy beings like the Cheshire Cat and the Queen of Hearts, she has more than enough experience to help the other heroes through the chaos of war in Disney Heroes vs. Villains.

Alice in the CGI universe

Alice in the live-action universe
Animated Vs Video Game Villains War[]
Disney Heroes Vs Villains War[]
Prisoner of Frollo[]
In the Palace of Justice, Frollo made his morning rounds checking to make sure that none of his new prisoners (including his traitorous former captain, Captain Phoebus, the puppet boy Pinocchio, the young English girl Alice, and Jane Porter's father Professor Archimedes) had escaped during the night.
As Hook's pirates and the Queen's cards tried to stop the prison break, Tinker Bell tackled the Queen, knocking her to the floor. With the attack a complete success, Peter escorted the prisoners to safety, with Frollo's forces in hot pursuit.
Talking about Lost Boys[]
With no word from the Lost Boys, Jim Hawkins, Tinker Bell, and Alice were concerned that they may have been captured, but Peter Pan insisted that they were fine and would be back soon.
Vs Zurg Forces[]
Infiltrating the airship being used by Peter Pan and Jim Hawkins to recover the Unimind device, Sliver's pirates broke into the armory and took the ship's weapons for their own.Alice ate two Wonderland mushrooms, causing her to grow into a giant and allowing her to take down Gantu. Zurg himself finally entered the fray, launching a shrinking ray at Alice that reverted her to normal size.As Scroop joined the battle, he managed to take down both Pan, Tinker Bell, and Alice, leaving Jim on his own.
Battle of Planet Z[]
Just before the heroes were killed, however, another ship arrived on the scene and attacked Zurg's forces; Peter, Jim, Stitch, and Silver had arrived.Alice again ate a Wonderland mushroom and grew in size, but Zurg had prepared countermeasures for this line of attack after seeing it before, unleashing his colossal Hyper Hornet on Alice. The gigantic robot managed to keep the heroes back for a while, but Alice eventually overpowered it and kicked its head off while Milo kept it distracted. Reverting to her normal size, Alice fell back to the ground, but Tinker Bell used her pixie dust to slow her fall.When BEN revealed the danger to the heroes, they fled back to their ships, with Lightyear destroying the video-link to Hamsterviel's cell as the mad doctor vowed revenge.With seconds to spare, the heroes escaped, even saving Gantu and Darkmatter from certain death. As they cheered in victory, they set a course for the Galactic Federation headquarters to drop off their prisoners and receive their next mission.