AUTO is the autopilot computer for the spacecraft Axiom and the main antagonist of the Disney/Pixar film Wall-E. He played a minor role in the Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains war.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War[]
Scrap Showdown[]
During the events of the war, Madame Gasket had ended up on the Axiom and had turned most of the high-tech robots into scrap metal. Auto was furious and sent his steward bots to take the mad robot to him. As the two robots met up, they clashed in an epic battle. Just as Gasket gains the upper hand, Auto uses one of his arms to spin Gasket around and throw her into the Axiom's engine, killing her.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War - Part Three[]
Disney Villains War 2[]
At the same time, Zurg brought his forces into the CGI universe to take the realm for his own. Zurg appointed the AI pilot AUTO as the commander of his armada.
Vs Zurg[]
With Zurg gaining more territory, Xemnas' eyes fell upon the warlord. Knowing he could not fight a war on two fronts, Xemnas sought to dispose of Zurg indirectly by reprogramming his pilot AUTO to turn against his master. Learning of his computer's treachery, Zurg moved in to dispose of AUTO, but it summoned drones to defend it. Zurg responded by calling in his Hornet robots, only for AUTO to dispose of them with a laser grid. Attacking Zurg directly, AUTO managed to knock Zurg into an exhaust shaft before taking control of his fleet.
Meeting with the Mad Doctor, Doctor Calico informed his ally of the alien incursion. Distressed to hear of this unexpected threat, the Mad Doctor dispatched his robotic Captain Hook to look into it. Accessing the alien flagship, Hook encountered AUTO, which he managed to destroy with shots from his pistol. However, he was then confronted by the mysterious Count Dooku, who revealed AUTO had only been a distraction to draw Hook out of hiding. Hook drew his sword, but Dooku drew a lightsaber and engaged the robotic pirate, slicing his arm off with a powerful slash. Dooku revealed the power of "the Force", tearing Hook's body apart. Meanwhile, Zurg watched the battle with curiosity.
Disney Vs Anime Villains War[]
Counterattack and Revenge[]
Prior to the events of the war, A.U.T.O. and the Ancient Minister are major conflicts. He starts his counterattack by sending DOR-15 to the Eggman Fleet up against E-123 Omega. After DOR-15 fails, AUTO decides to deal with Omega personally. Using a Subspace Bomb, he sends Omega to the Animated Realm.
Robot Wars[]
Later on, when the Ancient Minister arrives at his base, AUTO sends his robot army to destroy the Minister. The Ancient Minister manages to overwhelm some of AUTO's robots, but soon more come. Furious, the Ancient Minister summons the ROB Units to take care of them. Some E-Series robots are soon activated and aid the Minister. Auto decides to end it himself, but the Minister has two of his ROB Units activate a Subspace Bomb, obliterating both the Ancient Minister's Armies and AUTO, ending the Auto-Pilot's reign once and for all.
Animated Vs Video Game Villains War[]
Vs Razorbeard[]
After getting a new auto pilot installed into his ship, Razorbeard believed that it would make conquering the Glade of Dreams easier. Yet AUTO disobeyed his orders and took over the ship. With AUTO in command of the ship, Razorbeard had to use his powerful Grolgoth robot to retake his ship. AUTO realized what Razorbeard was up to and used the ship's resources against him. AUTO senta group of robots to stop Razorbeard but he blasted them apart. Razorbeard then jumped to try and crush AUTO's forces but AUTO opened a trap door beneath Razorbeard's feet when he landed, sending him plummeting into a pit of lava.
Joining Megatron's Faction[]
Trying to seek new powerful allies, Megatron recruited The Fabrication Machine (which drifted away from Maleficent after not being used), AUTO, and GLaDOS into his new alliance.
A Possible Rival[]
While watching security footage of GLaDOS's fight with the Bowler Hat Guy, AUTO starts to become worried about the computer's erratic behaviour...
Vs GlaDOS[]
AUTO has been keeping a close eye on GLaDOS due to her unstable personality and reveals incriminating footage to Megatron. He shows GLaDOS sending the Fabrication Machine to fight Cortex. The Fabrication Machine has yet to return, and both Megatron and AUTO are very suspicious of her and decide to take action.Seeing GLaDOS as a threat, Megatron and AUTO go to confront the deranged computer once and for all. What they don't know is that GLaDOS has plenty of surprises in store, and won't go down without a fight.
CGI Villains War[]
Found by Lucks[]
Lucks finally managed to find an old AI created by Syndrome known as Auto.Lucks then demands to the AI to create some robots for him otherwise he will be kaput.
Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]
Vs Dr. Blowhole[]
Angered that Blowhole creates a weapon that might be powerful enough to destroy the Earth, Bellwether decided to create a virus to destroy Blowhole's machine.Auto arrives at Blowhole's lair and threatens to kill the doctor unless he stops from trying to destroy the world.However,Blowhole won't ever give up on his goal.Auto processed the dolphin's words and so he sents some of Bellwether's robots to kill the doctor.Blowhole however activated his electromagnetic sound effect from his scooter thus destroying the robots' chips.After seeing his robots destroyed,Auto decided to mess with Blowhole's scooter,trying to take the dolphin down.As Auto was about to knock Blowhole down,the dolphin orderred one of his crabs to erase Auto's system for good.
Recreated to kill a scientist[]
Syndrome managed to recreate the AI named Auto after he was erased by Dr.Blowhole and sent it to rid of one of his rivals from childhood.Auto managed to find Professor Calamitous and prepares to exterminate the scientist.However,Calamitous won't let an AI to kill him that easily as he sent CalamiBot to destroy Auto.The AI isn't impressed as he made Professor Calamitous and his CalamiBot to fly into the space.
Free For All Villains Tournament[]
Pokemon Heroes Vs Disney and Non Disney Villains[]
Vs Ash[]
Ash and Pikachu finally enter the tower where Celebi is captured, only to discover that AUTO is guarding him and sends out its evil robots to attack them. Ash's Cyndaquil manages to burn down one, but can Ash defeat the one-eyed robot himself to free Celebi?