"What's Her Face" is one of the tertiary villains of the animated movie, Rock and Rule. An impersonate actress who has a close affiliation with Mok Swagger, "What's Her Face" briefly appears in both Non-Disney Villains Tournament and Heroes vs. Villains War.
Non Disney Villains Tournament[]
"What's Her Face" briefly appears during Red's musical number. She is murdered by the hellcat, as Red desires to shown his real nature by causing chaos, mayhem and destruction.
Heroes Vs Villains War[]
"What's Her Face" takes the form of Angel, with Mok's partner, Jafar, having the goddess Eris to take the form of his rival lover, Jasmine, on purpose to trick the heroes into a false sense of security. As soon as Omar meets "Angel", believing to be his lover, with his greatest arch nemesis, he screams in agony, before he is kidnapped by the Schlepper Brothers. Later, Mok congratulates "What's Her Face" for her performance, taking off her make up face in the process, which the woman responds that it was a pleasure to work with him before departing. "What's Her Face"'s fate remains ambiguous by the end of the war.